List of Norwegian ministries


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This is a list of Norwegian government ministries.

Current ministries

English Name Norwegian name
Office of the Prime Minister Statsministerens kontor
Ministry of Agriculture and Food Landbruks- og matdepartementet
Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion Barne- og likestillingsdepartementet
Ministry of Culture Kultur- og kirkedepartementet
Ministry of Defence Forsvarsdepartementet
Ministry of Education and Research Kunnskapsdepartementet
Ministry of the Environment Miljøverndepartementet
Ministry of Finance Finansdepartementet
Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs Fiskeri- og kystdepartementet
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Utenriksdepartementet
Ministry of Government Administration, Reform and Church Affairs Fornyings- og administrasjonsdepartementet
Ministry of Health and Care Services Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet
Ministry of Justice and the Police Justis- og politidepartementet
Ministry of Labour Arbeids- og inkluderingsdepartementet
Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development Kommunal- og regionaldepartementet
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy Olje- og energidepartementet
Ministry of Trade and Industry Nærings- og handelsdepartementet
Ministry of Transport and Communications Samferdselsdepartementet

Historical ministries

English Name Norwegian name Period
Predecessors of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Ministry of Agriculture Landbruksdepartementet 1900–2004
Predecessors of the Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion
Ministry of Family and Consumer Affairs Departementet for familie- og forbrukersaker 1956–1972
Ministry of Consumer Affairs and Administration Forbruker- og administrasjonsdepartementet 1972–1989
Ministry of Family and Consumer Affairs Familie- og forbrukerdepartementet 1990
Ministry of Children and Family Affairs Barne- og familiedepartementet 1991–2005
Ministry of Children and Equality Barne- og familiedepartementet 2005–2010
Predecessors of the Ministry of Culture
Ministry of Culture and Science Kultur- og vitenskapsdepartementet 1982–1990
Ministry of Church Affairs and Culture Kirke- og kulturdepartementet 1990
Ministry of Culture Kirke- og kulturdepartementet 1991–2001
Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs Kirke- og kulturdepartementet 2001–2010
Predecessors of the Ministry of Defence
6th Ministry 6. departement (krigsadministrasjonen) 1814–1815
Ministry of the Army Armédepartementet 1815–1885
Predecessors of the Ministry of Education and Research
1st Ministry 1. departement (kirke- og undervisningssaker) 1814–1819
Ministry of Church Affairs and Education Kirke- og undervisningsdepartementet 1819–1989
Ministry of Education and Research Utdannings- og forskningsdepartementet 1990
Ministry of Church Affairs, Education and Research Kirke-, utdannings- og forskningsdepartementet 1991–2001
Ministry of Education and Research Utdannings- og forskningsdepartementet 2002–2005
Predecessors of the Ministry of the Environment
Predecessors of the Ministry of Finance
1st Ministry 1. departement (finansvesenet) March 1814–November 1814
5th Ministry 5. departement (finanssaker) November 1814–1818
Ministry of Finance, Trade and Customs Departementet for finans-, handels- og tollvesenet 1818–1846
Ministry of Finance, Trade and Customs Finans- og tolldepartementet 1846–1999
Predecessors of the Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs
Ministry of Fisheries Finans- og tolldepartementet 1946–2004
Predecessors of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Predecessors of the Ministry of Government Administration, Reform and Church Affairs
Ministry of Government Administration and Labour Arbeids- og administrasjonsdepartementet 1990–1993
Ministry of Government Administration Administrasjonsdepartementet 1993–1996
Ministry of Planning and Coordination Planleggings- og samordningsdepartementet 1997
Ministry of Government Administration and Labour Arbeids- og administrasjonsdepartementet 1998–2004
Ministry of Modernisation Moderniseringsdepartementet 2004–2005
Ministry of Government Administration and Reform Moderniseringsdepartementet 2005–2001-5
Predecessors of the Ministry of Health and Care Services
Ministry of Health Helsedepartementet 2002–2004
Predecessors of the Ministry of Justice and the Police
3rd Ministry 3. departement (justissaker) March 1814–November 1814
2nd Ministry 2. departement (justissaker) November 1814–1818
Predecessors of the Ministry of Labour
Ministry of the Interior Departementet for det indre 1846–1903
Ministry of Trade Departementet for utenrikske saker, handel, sjøfart og industri
Departementet for handel, sjøfart og industri
Ministry of Social Affairs Departementet for sosiale saker, handel, industri og fiskeri
Departementet for sosiale saker
Ministry of Social Affairs (social affairs) Sosialdepartementet (sosialsaker) 1992–1993
Ministry of Health and Sosial Affairs (social affairs) Sosial- og helsedepartementet (sosialsaker) 1993–2001
Ministry of Social Affairs Sosialdepartementet 2002–2004
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Arbeids- og sosialdepartementet 2004–2005
Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion Arbeids- og sosialdepartementet 2005–2010
Predecessors of the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development
Ministry of Local Government and Labour Kommunal- og arbeidsdepartementet 1948–1989
Ministry of Local Government Kommunaldepartementet 1990–1993
Ministry of Local Government and Labour Kommunal- og arbeidsdepartementet 1993–1998
Predecessors of the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
Predecessors of the Ministry of Trade and Industry
Ministry of Trade Departementet for handel, sjøfart, industri, håndverk og fiskeri 1916–1947
Ministry of Industry Industridepartementet 1947–1987
Ministry of Industry Næringsdepartementet 1988–1993
Ministry of Industry and Energy Nærings- og energidepartementet 1993–1997
Predecessors of the Ministry of Transport and Communications
Ministry of Labour Departementet for offentlige arbeider 1885–1946
Ministry of Auditing Revisjonsdepartementet 1822–1918
Ministry of Provisioning Provianteringsdepartementet 1916–1922
Ministry of Industrial Provisioning Industriforsyningsdepartementet 1917–1920
Ministry of Provisioning and Reconstruction
(named Ministry of Provisioning 1939-1942)
Forsynings- og gjenreisningsdepartementet
(Forsyningsdepartementet 1939-1942)
Ministry of Culture and Enlightenment Kultur- og folkeopplysningsdepartementet 1940–1945
Ministry of Shipping Skipsfartsdepartementet 1942–1945
Ministry of Trade and Shipping Handels- og skipsfartsdepartementet 1947–1987
